GUESS WHAT #Authors Love About Conferences! #AADChar @Authorjennlhart @PaigeTyler @DenaGarson

Conferences are the chance for authors to interact with readers, to get out from behind our computers and talk to real people and to be a part of the real world. In ONE WEEK, Authors After Dark starts in Charlotte, NC and I am getting ready. I've got swag galore, banners hanging in the dining room, ribbons and baskets and boxes of books. All this prep is exciting but not nearly as exciting as the moment when readers begin checking in at the Westin Charlotte and the party begins!

So, what do you think authors love most about conferences?
I asked a few authors also attending AAD2014 and here's what they said...

My favorite thing about reader conferences is that you always meet such interesting people who love the same things I do - namely books!
Dena Garson

What I love most about reader events is giving away books. There's nothing like putting a book, credit or gift card in a readers hands myself and seeing her reaction!

Jennifer L. Hart, Author of mystery, mayhem, laughter and love 

I get to be completely in my element! I'm surrounded by authors and readers --- to a bookish girl like me, that's heaven! And then there's this... I get to chat with readers and find out who they are. I love hearing where they're from, finding out details and tidbits about their lives. So often, when an author writes a book, she imagines the folks who will read, and hopefully love, her work. At Cons, I get to meet those people! It's amazing. I'm very much a people person, so connecting with readers in person is just plain fun to me!
Author JoLynne Valerie

The best thing is hanging out with readers! I meet so many of them online and love getting to connect with them in person! Romance readers are some of the best people!
- Paige Tyler, USA Today Bestselling Author of "Hunky Heroes, Kickbutt Heroines, Unforgettable Romance!"

Authors After Dark

This is my first BIG Conference as an author. I took time out to attend a smaller conference last year but nothing measures up to Authors After Dark! So, if you're there, look for me. I'd love to meet readers, aspiring authors and you just might see me getting starry eyed when I see the authors I admire.

Before I was published, I attended conferences as a reader/ reviewer/ blogger and what got me then is still what gets me excited now... being in a place where I'm surrounded by other book lovers. It's the best experience to know we all share that commonality. I hope to see some of you there!

JOIN US! There's still a chance for readers to attend at the last minute. And those of you close enough can come just for the book signing on Saturday. Look for more information on the event HERE.


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